9 Speakers
600+ Seats
4 Episodes

Every student pursuing a career in pure sciences faces a dilemma after masters in choosing between the career options available ahead. Being a student community, IIEC conducts regular panel discussion sessions with the sole motto of helping out students getting answers to all their career related queries. The event speakers which mostly comprises of IISER alumnis or other BS-MS scholars who have succeeded in various career fields share their experiences which immensely benefits the attendees.

About IIEC


Latest Event

The 5th episode was held on 5th of February 2023 with Amit Nag (ex-IISER Kolkata), Shashi Bhushan Sinha (ex-IISER Kolkata) and Yusuf Jameel (ex-IISER Kolkata) they described the whole world of oppertunities opened up after the completion of BS-MS degree.


Why should you join?

The series is devoted towards career planning for undergraduates in natural sciences where eminent personalities with ardent expertise come and discuss oppurtunities.


Career Planning

It is well established that by taking the time to plan for your career after high school, you increase the chances of completing your education and getting the job you want.


Gain Confidence

Using soft skills to build your confidence can help you integrate into a new workplace environment and establish yourself as an essential member of their team.


Stay Organised

Being organized will help you prove that you are a reliable resource who can not only do their work well but do it in a timely manner. Organization combined with other soft skills like communication helps you build trust between your team.


Learning and Development

If you’re looking to jump-start your own thinking on many of the important issues, you’ve come to the right place.


Grow your network

People with strong soft skills have a curious attitude that allows them to pursue professional leads and develop industry knowledge at a fast pace.


Be industry-ready

With the rapidly changing world, we have to stay relevant, effective and resilient. Continuous gaining relevant skills keep you always abreast of the happenings in their chosen fields.

The Episodes

What after BS-MS? Episode 1

A panel discussion was held on 18th Jan 2021 with Dr. Gopu K (junior principal scientist at Chemveda Life Sciences India), Dr. Sameer Patwardhan (Cofounder and Chief-Technology-Officer at PC Technologies USA), and Dr. Rakesh Kumar Pathak (Assistant Professor at IISER Berhampur). These panelists were dignitaries from academic, job, and entrepreneurial backgrounds helping students with their doubts regarding risks associated with doing a Ph.D., or any other career options after BS-MS and about entrepreneurship.

What after BS-MS? Episode 2

we had another interactive session on 19th March 2021 with Jennifer Loeb (senior Global Commercialization market segment manager, Promega) who discussed with us the recent advancements in the industrial sector of biology.


What after BS-MS? Episode 3

A panel discussion was held on 23rd May 2021 with Shipra Kumar (Master Scholar at London School of Economics, IISER Pune alumni) and Brihaspati Kumar Gaurav (pathway leader at Stryker global technology center Pvt. Ltd, IIM Ahmedabad, and IISER Pune alumni), 2 very successful people in their respective academic fields.


What after BS-MS? Episode 4

The panel discussion held on 25th November 2021 with Aditya Prasad Dash (Ph.D. Scholar at University of California, Los Angeles. IISER Berhampur alumni) and Kumar Priyadarshi (Senior scientist at CMOS tech dev. IIT Bombay and IISER Pune alumni), and Vinay Nikam (founder of Agritech startup, ex-IIM Kozhikode and IISER Mohali alumni) giving us a closer insight all being very successful people in their respective academic fields and entrepreneurial fields.

What after BS-MS? Episode 5

The 5th episode was held on 5th of February 2023 with Amit Nag (ex-IISER Kolkata), Shashi Bhushan Sinha (ex-IISER Kolkata) and Yusuf Jameel (ex-IISER Kolkata) they described the whole world of oppertunities opened up after the completion of BS-MS degree.



Few words from the wise


Live sessions, talks and panel discussions are usually free. However some workshops will require a registration fee to be paid.

Register yourself in the link given to attend the event. Once you register for the event you will be notified via your registered mail ID.

The recordings for each event are processed and uploaded to YouTube within 72 hours of the event and will be made available on this website. You can subscribe us in youtube for notification.

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